The first questionnaire i have designed is fairly general so that I am able to see what kind of trailer I should produce in general:
What is your gender ?
Male Female
How old are you?
12-16 17-21
30-45 46+
Do you often see film
never Occasionally Yes, often
Through what media do you usually see trailers?
TV Social networking sites (Facebook,
Twitter) YouTube or other video sharing sites
How do you think films are
most advertised?
trailers Posters or billboards Online campaigns Magazine/Newspaper adverts
Do you often watch films?
hardly ever Every now and then More often than not All
the time
How long do you think a
film trailer should be?
seconds or shorter 31 seconds-1
minute 1 ½ minutes to 2 minutes 2.1 -2 ½ minutes 2 ½ - 3 minutes 3 minutes +
You you think a film
should be promoted through…
mediums Just one mediums to simplify it
The second questionnaire I have designed is so that I can gather more of an idea of what a horror trailer should be like from the perspective of the viewer:
1. What type of
horror film would you rather watch?
Thriller Zombie
Supernatural Gory Comedy
2. How often do you
watch horror films?
Never Every now and then around 4 times a year Once a month maybe All the time maybe once a week
3. What kind of
qualities in horror film trailers make you want to see the film?
The tension, if the trailer scares
me I’ll watch it A scary
villain If its gory and grusome
A good sense of story-line If it leaves me waiting and
wanting to find out more
4. Do you prefer to
see trailers for horror movies that let you know the film is…
Completely fictional Based on a real story It doesn't bother me either way
5. What type of
villain do you find scarier?
An older woman An older man A younger woman A younger man
A masked or unknown villain
6. Do you enjoy
watching horror films or horror trailers?
Yes No It depends on the genre and film
7. How often do you come
across horror film trailers?
Hardly ever Occasionally All the time
8. Where do you most
often see trailers?
TV Online (includes social networks
and YouTube)
9. How much of the
plot would you like to see revealed in a trailer?
None at all Some, I have to see if its worth
watching Majority of the plot
Everything so I know what I'm in for
1. Are trailers the
only thing that inform you of a film?
Yes Yes, with a mixture of other
things No, other online campaigns
and TV (websites and promotions)
No, through posters and adverts in print
A useful set of questions to establish your demographic and their preferred sub-genre. Some open ended, qualitative questions wold help to better understand audience likes & dislikes - how they respond to certain codes & conventions