Monday, 21 July 2014

Gantt Chart (click image)

Film Company

I have tried to find a suitable film company that would realistically produce and promote my film, I researched various film companies and tried to find one that already produces films of the psychological thriller sun genre that I will attempt to produce, because of this I came across Hammer Films.
Hammer Films have produced a variety of horror films, they began in 1934 with the first film The Bank Messenger Mystery. However some of the most famous Hammer films are The Curse of Frankenstein, Dracula and The Woman in Black along with the hit film The Quiet Ones, all of these contain deep psychological thriller elements that I would like in my trailer. With Hammer being involved with film giant Warner Bros Studios, they have the ability to promote the film on a large scale. With the long and successful history of Hammer Films and the large scale success of it's films not only due to the strong links with huge film studios such as Warner Bros and being able to still maintain its status as an independent film company means that I think that a company like Hammer would be the kind of company I would like to produce my film.  


Tuesday, 1 July 2014

General Questionnaire Results and Audience Profile

       1.        What is your gender ?
Male     Female  

In this general questionnaire I asked the gender of the people that I gave questionnaires so that I could give some idea of which gender would prefer to watch films and took a interest in find out about new and upcoming films.Overall I asked 9 females and 6 males and found there was no real difference in how frequently they watched films, however a greater difference may have been found if I had doubled the sample size. 
      2.       How old are you?
12-15         17-21        22-30       30-45         46+  

The second question I asked was the age of the sample size, this was so that I could find out what age of people are more likely to watch films of any genre. 47% of my sample group were aged between 17-21, I found that this group were also more likely to watch films more frequently with the 12-16 age group were more likely to hardly ever watch films. 

     3.       Do you often see film trailers?  
No, never     Occasionally    Yes, often 

I asked how often the people who answered my questionnaire see film trailers in order to see what kind of reception my trailer would receive if it was released. As can be seen 53% of the sample said that they often saw film trailers. 

     4.       Through what media do you usually see trailers?
TV        Social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter)       YouTube or other video sharing sites 

Through this question I was able to find out how my audience would most frequently view film trailers, where I found that 53% of my sample saw trailers through TV and only 20% through video sharing websites, however i think i will stream my trailer on as many mediums as possible in order to allow a large audience access to my trailer. 

     5.       How do you think films are most advertised?
Through trailers      Posters or billboards     Online campaigns      Magazine/Newspaper adverts 

Through this question I was able to find out which form of advertising was most popular with my sample, it turned out 47% thought that film trailers are most advertised through film trailers but none thought magazine and newspaper adverts were used most frequently when advertising films. 

     6.       Do you often watch films?
No, hardly ever        Every now and then       More often than not        All the time 

The aim of this question was to find out how prominent the film industry is according to my sample, I found that 53% of my sample which films every now and then, which will help me decide on what my trailer should reveal.

    7.       How long do you think a film trailer should be?

30 seconds or shorter    31 seconds-1 minute              1 ½ minutes to 2 minutes          2.1 -2 ½ minutes                   2 ½ - 3 minutes                 3 minutes + 

I asked this question to my sample because i wanted to get some kind of idea what length my trailer should be in order to keep my audience interested in the trailer, asking this question allowed me to find out the best length for my trailer to be is 2 - 2 and a half minutes, therefore this is how long I will make my trailer.

      8.       You you think a film should be promoted through…

Various mediums                     Just one medium to simplify it 

This question relates to many of my other questions in this questionnaire and is more about the way in which films are advertised and how popular the mode of advertising is. through this I found that 73% of my sample think that films should be advertised through more than one media type. 

The aim of this questionnaire was to understand the general idea of what an audience made up of a wide range of people, the questionnaire below is more specific to the horror genre which I have chosen for my trailer. 

 1.       What type of horror film would you rather watch?
Thriller    Zombie    Supernatural     Gory       Comedy  

I asked my sample this question because I thought I needed some sort of idea of which type of horror sub genre an audience would be most interested in, through this question I found that 46% of my sample thought that a thriller/horror would be most enjoyable to watch. 

      2.       How often do you watch horror films?
Never        Every now and then around 4 times a year            Once a month maybe                All the time maybe once a week  

I used this question because I wanted to know how popular my chosen genre of horror is, i found that 33% of my sample watched horror films around one a month. 

      3.       What kind of qualities in horror film trailers make you want to see the film?
The tension, if the trailer scares me I’ll watch it           A scary villain     If its gory and gruesome
A good sense of story-line             If it leaves me waiting and wanting to find out more 

To find out what my trailer should contain or what my audience think it should contain in order to appeal to them the most.Through this question I found that 45% want mainly tension an fear to be the main quality in the trailer, so this is what I will aim to put in my trailer when it is created. 

      4.       Do you prefer to see trailers for horror movies that let you know the film is…
Completely fictional       Based on a real story     It doesn't bother me either way  

I asked this question so that I could see if my audience would have wanted a true story in my horror film, I thought this would give me an idea of what the actual plot of the film would be about and if the plot being true mattered to the audience, it turns out that 60% of the sample didn't mind whether or not the plot was true or not.          

      5.       What type of villain do you find scarier? 
An older woman              An older man              A younger woman              A younger man

A masked or unknown villain  

I asked my sample this question because I wanted some ideas for the plot of my trailer and for what kind of horror film trailer I wanted to create, from this question now I have decided to use a masked or unknown villain in my trailer, as 60% of my sample said this is what they would find scarier. 

      6.       Do you enjoy watching horror films or horror trailers?

Yes                     No              It depends on the genre and film  

I wanted to find out from my sample how much they enjoyed horror films, from this I found that 40% of my sample enjoyed watching horror films in comparison to 19% who said they did not enjoy watching horror films or trailers. 

      7.       How do you come across horror film trailers?
Hardly ever             Occasionally              All the time  

I wanted to know from my sample how regularly they come across horror film trailers so I could see how easily they are accessed I found that 34% hardly ever came across horror film trailers, this to me means that I need to look at where my trailer is shown and on what platforms. 

      8.       How much of the plot would you like to see revealed in a trailer?
None at all           Some, I have to see if its worth watching            Majority of the plot
      Everything so I know what in for     

       I asked this question to help me with the creating of my trailer, this question has given me an indication of how much my trailer should reveal. 

         9.       Are trailers the only thing that inform you of a film?
Yes             Yes, with a mixture of other things        No, other online campaigns and TV (websites and promotions)
No,  through posters and adverts in print 

Through this question I wanted to find out which way my sample most commonly came across a film and whether or not trailers is the most frequently used. I found out that 40% of my sample most commonly found out about films through online campaigns and TV adverts (trailers), therefore this would be where I would make my trailer most accessible. 

The Blair Witch Project Magazine Cover Analysis